You can be baptised at any age. If you are interested in exploring faith or making this step then just get in contact. Our journey of faith begins with Baptism. It is a declaration of faith, a celebration of becoming part of God’s family and commitment to following Jesus Christ.
Confirmation is a milestone on our journey of faith. It is for those who want to say ‘Yes’ to everything that happened at baptism, and declare their faith by make a public commitment to Christ. Especially if you were baptised as an infant or have returned to church after time away, then confirmation is the way to mark the progression of your faith.
During the service, the Bishop will lay their hands on your head and pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide you. Confirmations happen several times a year and may take place in our church, the cathedral, or jointly with a nearby church. We will usually ask you to join a short course with others to prepare for this. Contact us if you are interested.
Do I need to be baptised before I can be confirmed?
Yes, but if you haven't, then baptism can form part of the confirmation service. Normally we will help adults prepare by doing a short baptism course with them. If you don't know whether you were baptised as a child then we will try to help you find out.
I want to take Communion – do I have to be confirmed?
Anyone baptised in a Christian denomination is welcome to receive communion. If you were baptised as a child we usually recommend being confirmed before you take communion, but if you are unsure speak with the clergy about it we can help you.
Do I have to be confirmed at all?
If you have been baptised then, along with Communion, you have already taken part in the most important of Christian ceremonies. But, as following Jesus means our faith never stops developing, if you are starting to take your faith more seriously we encourage you to take this next step.