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You are always welcome in our churches without any pressure or expectation. However, we are always grateful for your support which keeps our work going.

This can mean giving financially, but your prayers, time, and skills are invaluable to the community.



The Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme makes it easy to give to us securely and safely online. 


You can set up a regular gift or donate as a one-off. Click below to give to us:

Or give to a specific church:

You can easily manage your giving online at or by calling 0333 002 1271

Why give to us?

Our vision

We aim to be a church for all in Benwell & Scotswood. We are guided by two simple principles given to us by Jesus: to love God and to love our neighbour.

What we do

We are one parish with four churches. Our buildings are sacred places at the heart of the community offering worship to God and care and support to all, whatever their background and belief.

We are home to foodbanks, welfare support, community groups, art clubs, dnce classes, lunch clubs, children and youth work, refugee support, and so much more!

We keep the story of our area alive, we keep these local landmarks standing, maintain memorials to war and mining disasters, and are the final resting place of many generations of residents. We ensure these are places for heritage to be celebrated and also for culture and community to grow and develop.

How we do this

We only do this through your generous support, both financially and with the gifts of your time and prayer.

We have two full-time clergy and lots of incredibly dedicated volunteers who work hard to care for the community. The cost of the clergy is partially subsidised thanks to the generous support of other parishes through Church of England, but otherwise we don’t receive any financial help.

We apply to funders for grants, so that our members are not burdened, but ultimately our churches belong to you and exist because of your generous giving.

Why give to us?

Other ways to give

You can give by cash or card in any of our churches.

Or download and print a paper form here >

You can transfer money to us or set up a standing order with these details:

Benwell and Scotswood Team Parish
Barclays Bank
Account number: 50161330
Sort code: 20-59-97

Please don't forget to fill out a gift aid declaration below.

​What is the Parish Giving Scheme?

PGS makes it easier for you to give, and it also makes it easier for our volunteers! This is why:

Encouraging regular giving

It is still possible to give one off donations. But PGS makes it easy to give a regular amount, which helps us to plan and ensure that our activities can keep running.

Gift Aid made easy

An additional 25% can be added to every gift from UK taxpayers. That means for every £1 you give we can receive £1.25!

Because PGS process Gift Aid on behalf of the church, it maximises every gift to be put towards serving our community, free from time-consuming administration.

Increase your gift with inflation

One of the biggest problems faced by local churches is that of ‘static giving’. If giving levels had kept track with inflation since the year 2000, they would have increased by more than 50%!

A unique feature of PGS is the option for you, as a giver, to commit in principle to increase your gift annually in line with inflation. This is voluntary and you can change this commitment at any time.

Parish Giving Scheme
Gift Aid Declaration
Gift Aid Declaration

Thanks for submitting!

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